Gravitational Forces and Organization

    Gravity produces acceleration -- but only if objects are free to move

    Gravitational wavefunction reduces periodically, and

    • momentum increases continuously if objects have a degree of freedom
    • pressure stays constant if objects have no degree of freedom

    Movement from gravitation can be tractable (predictable) or intractable (cannot be predicted or emulated in real-time). Yes, topologies are tractable solutions of gravitation

    "This ain't rocket science"

"This is not rocket science, literally or figuratively"

Gravitation is quantum mechanical in nature. Quantum mechanical wavefunctions concurrently relate to each other under linearity (vector summation). Gravitational wavefunction exists between any two material (mass, real) bodies with atomic granularity and all wavefunctions add up to one net wavefunction. The reduction of the gravitational wavefunction creates momentum at all bodies. If bodies are free to move they accelerate toward each other. The wavefunction reduction happens at some free running frequency. (To explain the cause of gravitation is to explain the mechanism that generates the frequency, but that is not the subject of this article.)

Gravitational wavefunction reduction creates the following effects:

(1) Linear acceleration if bodies have at least one degree of freedom, (2) Linear and angular acceleration if bodies have at least two degrees of freedom, and (3) Static pressure -- or weight -- if bodies have no degree of freedom. Because quantum mechanical gravitation is computational in nature, another aspect of gravitation deals with solutions to multi-body problems and reaching tractable (real-time computable) topology. Gravitational forces result in the creation of a single or interlocked planetary or moon orbit, and one-body or two-body solutions via the computational template of the hyperstates (advanced).

The first part is about Gravitation: basic mechanics, while the second part is about Organization: arriving at tractable structures that have both the logical and the physical topology.

Of Gravitation..

The conservation of momentum holds at every conceivable instance of time when momentum is created within a system

In English: The conservation of momentum (and, therefore, energy) holds even though bodies are not physically touching. Two or more bodies in a system can and do exchange momentum as long as the combined (total, net) momentum of such system remains constant (is conserved)

The (law of the) conservation of momentum is generalized by combining Kepler's "force of gravitation between bodies is mutual" and Newton's "instant action" while recognizing mechanisms other than collision for momentum transfer. The 'other-than-collision' component is the QM component.

The system aspect indicates two constructs: (1) System is composed of at least two bodies and (2) Intangible boundaries can be drawn identifying a system. The boundary forms a contiguous volume

The speed of gravitation is a complex issue. While the reduction (collapse of the wavefunction) is always instantaneous -- and that is why force always manifests as equal and opposite -- the nonreducing (computational) interactions are between the speed of light and instantaneous. You can figure it out or read up on it in the Quantum Pythagoreans book.

In the language of Quantum Mechanics (QM): "Instant action" of Newton confirms that force is never a one sided force but always arises as a dual and opposing force. Quantum mechanically, then, all forces are even wavefunctions. Gravitational wavefunctions exist in superposition and interconnect all bodies within the system with atomic granularity. Wavefunctions move and relate (recompute) at the speed of light and, owing to their virtual state, are not physical (are immaterial, virtual, intangible). Wavefunction superposition, however, is instantaneous subject to certain conditions. Should wavefunction computations so indicate, some wavefunctions instantaneously reduce and real linear and/or real angular momentum is imparted upon bodies with resulting (linear or angular) acceleration. Combined (net) momentum within the system remains constant and, therefore, energy is conserved even though individual bodies within the system gain momentum. When individual bodies gain momentum the mutual momentum between bodies changes but the total momentum of all bodies within the system remains the same (is conserved) because the momentum is created in the framework of momentum conservation (equal and opposite).

Presently, Planck's constant is made up and serves [quite well] to match a theory with observations. Quantum mechanical gravitation gives Planck's constant a purpose: Momentum that is distributed among bodies within the system cannot continue to be divided on down indefinitely. The Planck constant is really a qualitative construct for digital basis of gravitation and not necessarily a quantitative measure of gravitation (gravitational granularity could be different as it is core based rather than electron based).

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Q: "Momentum is to be conserved in at least two objects?"

See QM Gravitation Concept One. Here you will also find the definition of mutual and total (combined, system) momentum


Q: "Where does the equation E=mc2 fit in?"

This "equation" describes the release of energy when matter is destroyed through an irreversible transformation (it is really not an equation but a one-way process). Quantum mechanical gravitation deals with relationships of bodies moving in space and, therefore, the mass remains whole. See Black Hole My Foot. [You will need a bit of attitude -- otherwise you just collect $200 and go straight to the black hole to face Hawking.]


Q: "Where does the quantum mechanical formalism fit with QM gravitation?"

QM formalism is a process that keeps track of each state of each QM entity. This process starts out okay but becomes intractable. QM formalism is fine for explaining the intricacies of QM. Beyond that it cannot be applied directly and its dead-end should serve as a Western koan that "flips you over" to the infinite and superposing wave nature of QM. Similarly, you can explain the traveling salesman problem by showing how to add all paths (mathematical factorial of 'cities') but beyond that there is not much use for the exhaustive method. There is nothing on QM formalism on this site but you may try the Primer that also talks about changing intractable systems into tractable ones by changing the computational context through geometries (lens, grid) and by switching to wave mechanics via de Broglie. [If you think Einstein is okay then you don't want to go there.]


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If quantum mechanics is not considered then the only way to conserve momentum is with collisions. Hence the legacy of classical mechanics: "You cannot get there from here"

Recalling the past: If each body is independent (localized) then each body must account for the conservation of momentum. Classically, momentum needs to be conserved in each object individually and this ties the classical understanding to a trivial subset. Such subset, for example, allows momentum conservation during physical collisions only. One can never explain the creation of orbiting structures

General theory of relativity is not incomplete – it is incorrect [stupid, actually]. Field-based gravitation is a repackaged Aristotle's "prime mover," which is presently illustrated as "sheet of rubber" by mainstream scientists. 'Field' is not something basic such as distance or mass and by itself a field does not mean anything. A field depends on geometry of real structures and a field then produces tractable or chaotic environment depending on the topology. With the topology missing, a field is nothing -- just like a shaddow that disappears when the object that created it disappears. It should not be surprising that field-based gravitation is worthless because:

- Source of energy that moves bodies is unknown
- Cannot explain the creation of spin
- Cannot explain the creation of cosmic constructions we observe (solar or galactic)
- Cannot explain how chaos is avoided or rectified
- Lightspeed limit of "field" propagation does not explain (nor does it contribute to) the actual stability of orbits

Reworking the present: Antimatter cannot be used for propulsion because radiation yields no pressure. Photons of light do not have real momentum and laser, for example, cannot push a mirror. The upside is that a laser has no recoil

Re-calling Newton: Newton's physics includes instant action (and instant reaction -- forces arise concurrently) as well as the absolute spatial distance and time. Newton is current with regard to the latest advances in photonics and quantum mechanics. A case can be made that Newton is not "classical"

Q: "How come space (spatial distance) and time are absolute?"

Relativity postulate does not work for the electrons in the electron microscope or during interferometry. Michelson-Morley interferometry experiment confirms that the velocity of the light source is not added to the velocity of light. This proves the absolute velocity of light. Using electrons in an interferometry experiment (two slit) the relativistic presumption does not hold and you need absolute reference. The energy imparted on a particle cannot be taken away by merely changing the frame of reference. Also, absolute clock is constructible if you use lightspeed instead of decaying matter as your time reference.


Q: "The bending of light is because light has momentum and then light also has 'effective mass.' That is how black holes came about."

Wishful thinking. Now that larger lasers are available the presumed pressure of light's momentum is easy to measure and the pressure just is not there. See theXperiment. Logically, moreover, light bouncing between two parallel mirrors would make a perpetual motion machine if light has momentum. Light cannot push mirror, but.. deals with zero pressure of light on mirror. Overall, there is a summary of topics about light

Einstein's theories appear to have a political dimension, which may have been actively inserted into his theories. Eddington in particular was ready to support him with "universally increasing entropy" in his own proposals while ignoring the closed system prerequisite. Once the nonexisting black hole resulted from Einstein theories, however, his political aspect was effectively neutralized.

Hitler and Stalin both implanted science with political dimensions giving rise to absurd fields of play. Nobel prizes for physics are also corrupted although incompetence rather than politics is the likely cause there (Compton effect the most obvious).

Now that the Berlin Wall is gone it is time to send Einstein, Harvard simpletons, and NASA crommies into the black hole they created for themselves. [Crommies: Muggles on government payroll who think somebody owes them a living.]

Q? Relevant Background:

Gravitation does not bend light or space, New Interpretation of the 1919 Experiment, or, 'How Harvard sucks up to black holes.' In the end, however, the new definition of a photon is included;

Deep Space Scouting Party, second topic for August 2000; and

What is a field

In the quantum mechanical context, the collapse of the gravitational wavefunction instantaneously distributes real momentum among atoms (objects) within the system. The total momentum is constant and satisfies the conservation of momentum but each atom individually will have gained net momentum. This holds for both the linear and the angular momentum

Angular momentum can be imparted on individual bodies as long as the combined (net) angular momentum distributed to all bodies within the system remains constant.

Presently, classically or otherwise, there is no mechanism for the creation of spin.

Everything in the universe can now spin... [It's doing it anyway]

Q? Relevant Background:

The Unbearable Slowness of Space Travel. There is a history component to this article on management of technology breakthroughs


Q: "How does a spin change as a function of scale?"

Conceptually it does not, but spin acquires quantized solutions in the atom. Go for ConceptThree. A companion ConceptTwo article has other parameters such as 'continuum' that point out the weaknesses of mainstream science. NASA does not get it. For the atomic scale spin, the primer might be a better read.

The linear and the angular momentum are linked (are not independent of each other). Because of the linkage and because the linkage exists in the context of the conservation of energy, the reversal of the angular momentum (reversal of spin) creates compensatory linear momentum that will reverse gravitation

This is a radical and also a risky item, because classically it does not hold. Classically, linear and angular momentum are isolated. A satellite in orbit cannot change its angular momentum into linear momentum, or vice versa. (It is for this very reason NASA's "Space Elevator" cannot work.) Because the angular and linear mo are both moving energies, the conservation of energy, if satisfied, "does not care" if the moving energy is linear or angular. This may be so but there is a big gap in our understanding of physics because we did not so far formalize the conservation of direction. We call it a 'vector' law but that's about it. Here is also a gateway to transformations and energies in both domains that need to be taken into account. (In the Quantum Pythagoreans book this gap is closed and the reason for having vectors is explained.)

Formal definition of Gravitation. The implications are:

¤ Gravitation waves will not be found (will not be directly measured) as these are virtual and are subject to quantum mechanical considerations

¤ Gravity can be neutralized

¤ Neutrinos do not exist in their real (particle) state. They will not be detected since their virtual state cannot be reduced at will

Gravity reversal does not call for large amounts of energy since the sum of the momentum is zero — coming or going

Note: There are two basic pursuits in dealing with gravitation: (1) Working the gravitational wavefunction and (2) Working the mass of the bodies. All workings are searching [better be] for reversible transformations

The system under consideration is a system in which the total (combined) momentum is constant. All outside gravitational forces that equally affect all bodies within such system can be ignored

Gravitation issues need intangible boundary that defines the system under consideration. Boundary can be drawn to obtain practical results but such boundary is not arbitrary. Boundary can be constructed where all external gravitational forces crossing the boundary affect all objects within the system equally and thus can be ignored. [Appears similar/identical to a linearity requirement.]

Boundaries of the system under consideration may be increased by nesting (but nesting is not the only way of obtaining new boundaries)

Larger boundaries can be formed such that earlier boundaries are nested within the new boundaries. External gravitational forces that equally affect all bodies within earlier boundaries were ignored within earlier boundary, but such forces can no longer be ignored within new boundaries

Spatial distance and mass are not the only determinants of gravitational significance

Basic way of stating that Newton's 2nd is incomplete. The incompleteness is not important in the classical context of forces that operate among existing orbiting bodies but becomes important when dealing with spin creation. This is because the existing (observed) systems are organized already (have a mathematical solution) and the spin of solar systems and flat galaxies is for the most part fixed or the spin is periodic (spherical galaxy)

Up to this point we postulated quantum mechanical gravitation as a mechanism that distributes linear and angular momentum among physical bodies in the context of the conservation of momentum. The amount and direction of the distributed (exchanged) linear and angular momentum, however, is subject to knowledge that, in turn, is a function of the hyperstates template, which, in turn, issues from the Tetractys of Pythagoras:

The following addresses the mechanism of organizing physical bodies into geometries we observe

...and Organization

Universe is finite yet unbounded


Well established. The universe is not a closed system. Need to start here because the 2nd law of thermodynamics does not apply and the universe does not tend toward entropy and the universe will not become homogenized and undifferentiated "nothingness." Note that the closed system condition is fundamental to thermodynamics and is facilitated by physical and thermal barriers

The 2nd law of thermodynamics does not hold without barriers but this does not stop some people from extending the 2nd law to the entire universe. This is perhaps the finest piece of pseudoscience from the 20th Century: The universe does not have physical or thermal boundaries, but, gee, if entropy increases inside a thermos bottle, let's apply it to the universe! One thing is for Eddington to talk nonsense, but the amazing thing is how many scientists go along with such stupidity. The 2nd law of thermodynamics is great for the appreciation that if you (could) construct a barrier that does not let photons through, the system inside the barrier atrophies [backfired as the Berlin Wall?]

Interacting formal and informal systems can grow and sustain themselves without physical barriers. Informal (virtual) systems can sustain themselves with or without physical barriers. Formal systems remain fixed or atrophy with physical barriers

Classically, chaos does not diminish. In the quantum mechanical context, chaotic systems tend to diminish

Real (if-then) methods cannot describe chaotic systems and, therefore, cannot deal with chaotic systems

Observed geometries suggest the universe can and does organize. Increase in organization is directly reflected in the growth of the universe

Although there is no classical chaos-to-organization mechanism, there is a nonlocal chaos-to-organization mechanism.

Q: "It is easy to suddenly switch to some such 'nonlocal' mechanism, but what is the path that gets us there?"

Experimentally it is Davisson and Germer -- and we have two articles: First one deals with the electron transformation while the QM Primer applies it.

In the universe, matter becomes real in a framework that creates and/or preserves formal systems. Such framework is that of reputation (relational computation) which, through infinite concurrency, can assess any and all influences. Formal systems are, by definition, computable but only a particular subset of formal systems is tractable

Premise based on the lack of chaotic systems we observe in the universe. The new framework postulates that matter appears per some mechanism, one piece (atom, electron) at a time. Fundamentally, the creation of a formal system calls for a solution to nonpolynomial problems

Relational computing (reputing) is the new framework for appearance of matter. Reputed matter appears in a way that reduces chaos and creates formal systems

There is one framework that is valid in the micro and the macro worlds; there is a mechanism that is independent of scale

Up to now, there is no unifying framework between Hyperspace and Realspace. Yet, there is one framework that works: Hyperstates. While the organizational template exists and is derived from the Pythagoras' Tetractys, you should be also cognizant of three body instability (chaos), what it means, what it does, and, most importantly, that chaos is not a dead end.

There exist the real and the virtual domains. Separated by a discontinuity, the real and the virtual are not opposites and are always engaged. The engagement of the real and virtual is the source of self-organization. The real and the virtual domains can be unified only at peril

Establishes Duality as based on real and virtual domains and postulates some of its properties. The virtual system is an informal system that, however, is or can be repeatable.

Real and virtual domains are not inherently in opposition because they are qualitatively different

The real domain is finite and unbounded. The virtual domain is infinite

Merging (unification) of the real and virtual domains into a single domain is not computable (annihilation).

Q? Relevant Background:

New Computational Methods. Our social dimension puts our mindset into the present scientific consensus. Perhaps it is the other way around. In any case, it is time for a breakout from the current solar system range

Both the real and virtual domains can be emulated

Early on in history we derived the concept of time to emulate and predict events in the real domain. (To fermions, time doesn't matter.) We can also emulate the virtual and give it a mathematical foundation that is without all-and-nothing labels such as 'para-,' 'meta-,' 'sur-,' or [personal favorite] 'consumer acts in his best interest'

Q: "If time is a derivative how can time be absolute?"

Time is a derivative and time is always a dependent variable. If lightspeed is absolute, and it is, then time derived from lightspeed is absolute as well. Time is not inherently absolute but absolute clock is constructible. Time issues from organized systems and as long as the system remains organized, time can be used to describe the system. (Newton postulated the existence of absolute spatial distance and time. However, absolute spatial distance and time can be, must be, and were constructed for the real domain to work.)


Q? Relevant background:

Self-Organization. You may need to develop both views in your head. Yet, there is a risk here, for your thinking processes may change. This article also has a decent explanation on the difference between parallelism and concurrency.

Organization increases when both the real and the virtual aspects, while separate, remain in a tractable state

Tractability allows non-conflicting transitions (via transformation) between the real and the virtual domains while maintaining the separation of both domains. A particular system, then, has its real and virtual representation

Real and virtual aspects refer to real and virtual properties and interactions of the respective real or virtual entities. Real and virtual entities may transition from one domain to another through transformations that can be and should be reversible. All transformations happen in the framework of the conservation of energy

No entity can be real and virtual at the same instance

Q? Relevant background:

Technology Targets for the new Millennium, Quantum Computing selection. It also addresses antimatter because antimatter can be reorganized into normal (everyday) matter

Book by Mike Ivsin
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A book that guides you cleanly through all the Gs of gravitation.

You compute and so does the nature. It's time you caught up.

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